Brigadier General (Dr) Otu Oviemo Ovadje from the Isoko extraction of Delta State. Born 20th December, 1954, Dr Ovadje, was a medical doct...

Gen Ovadje

Brigadier General (Dr) Otu Oviemo Ovadje from the Isoko extraction of Delta State.
Born 20th December, 1954, Dr Ovadje, was a medical doctor in the Nigerian Army and a Chief consultant anesthesiologists and intensive care physician, worked at the Military Hospital, Ikoyi-Lagos. Trained at both the Lagos University Teaching Hospital and at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital. He is a Fellow, Medical College of Anaesthesiology, Fellow, West African College of Surgeons, member Association of Military Surgeons of the Federal Republic of Austria and Life Member of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States (AMSUS) and has attended numerous courses and conferences internationally.
He was declared the Best African Scientist in 1995 before African Heads of States when he won the World Intellectual Property Organisation and Organisation of African Unity Gold Medal for scientific work designed to save women who usually die from abnormal pregnancy (ECTOPIC GESTATION). He also won Promex Silver Medal in Geneva in April 1998. He is a two time winner of the Chief of Army Staff Award of the Nigerian Army for professional excellence, and various non medical awards.  He is also a member  of the Association of Military Surgeons of the Federal Republic of Austria.
He  was Chief of Delegation  to the World Congress of Military Medicine at various times, has delivered lectures in United States of America, Germany; China; Zimbabwe, Austria and Lesotho- South Africa. He is a member of the Technical Working Committee of the International Congress of Military Medicine.
The EATSET device has been described as a low cost and an appropriate technology relevant to the needs of developing countries. Its development is part of the global effort at ensuring blood safety. The device is made up of a transparent rigid capsule, incorporating a V – shaped micro – filter and its part arrangements allow its adaptation to a manual source of low vacuum.
As a medical doctor undergoing specialist training in Nigeria, he observed that a lot of women during pregnancy in developing countries die from internal haemorrhage (bleeding) arising from ruptured ectopic pregnancy.  The condition is common in developing countries and the absence of a well organized blood transfusion service is a factor in the increased morbidity and mortality in this group of women, many of whom cannot afford the cost of procuring blood from the laboratories. The gauze filtration and scooping technique adopted by earlier doctors did not seem to be attractive to most practitioners who considered the technique messy and unsafe.
The initial skepticism that greeted the simplicity of the EATSET and it’s lack of sophistication led to the invitation of Dr. Watson Williams by the World Health Organization (WHO) as consultant at the instance of the UNDP in its response to a request by Ovadje for financial support to enable him refine the crude device through a North-South collaboration.
The EATSET was used in its primitive but sterile form  by Dr Ovadje to save intraperitoneal blood from 12 patients as presented at the world congress of the International Committee of Military Medicine (ICMM) in Augsburg, Germany, in June 1994, and published in the journal of the ICMM in 1995.
The UNDP sponsored the refinement of  his  EATSET in 1994, under the executive of the World Health Organization. By April 1995, the equipment was refined and in-vitro trials were conducted successfully at the University of Lagos Teaching Hospital by him.  Mr. Fell and Professor Asalor, Professor Akinsete, Professor Dorothy Foulkes-Crabbe, (Chairman of the African Chapter of the World Federation of societies of Anesthesiologist.) (WFSA) both approved of the work.
His presentation of techniques of auto-transfusion and the EATSET to medical doctors undergoing specialist training at an OPEC funded conference at the University of Lagos Teaching Hospital (1990) and during a seminar organized by the Commonwealth Defence Science Organization at the Defence Headquarters in 1991 contributed in endearing the EATSET to many of his professional colleagues.
His work in the management of ectopics in developing countries was publicly acknowledged by Government, UNDP and WHO whose awareness of the need for a simplified, low cost device such as the EATSET in developing countries increased.  He won the 1995 OAU-WIPO Invention Award in recognition of his significant contribution to African innovation in the field of Health Care. A Gold Medal was presented to him during the OAU summit in Addis-Ababa.
Prof Morel’s report from the Geneva University Hospital, Cantonal, confirmed the need for the EATSET and of its usefulness in clinical practice.  In 1996, he won the National Council of Health and Ministerial Award for professional excellence and for his contribution to health technology
He, also, won the World Bank institute award in February 2000 after he was classified as one of the top 339 finalists at the developmental market place in Washington DC.
He became the first African to win the World Health Organisation Sasakawa Award in the year 2000. He also won the national honour of Member of Order of the Niger (MON).


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View Gen Oviemo Ovadje MBBS DA FMCA FWACS FICS' profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. ... Medicine; Clinical Research; Healthcare Management; Surgery; Hospitals; Healthcare; Pediatrics; Public Health; Board Certified; Critical Care; Healthcare Information Technology; Family Medicine.